A black cat with a red bandana, holding a baguette and looking to the left

damien's zone

Posts with #live music

Justice at Portola 2024

Well, it turns out I was pretty lucky because Justice's show last night (September 29th) was a very very good one in terms of pictures! I got literally as close as one could realistically be, even if I was slightly off center!

As I got out of the show, I was pretty worried because Justice's light setup made it much, much harder to get consistently good shots. Don't get me wrong, those very quick color changes in the lights look amazing in person, but they are challenging to shoot with a smartphone.

But I think I managed to get some pretty damn good pictures given the situation. Like those taken during Gesaffelstein's performance, all of them were shot with Halide and in RAW with "Process Zero" enabled. The only adjustments I made (if any) are cropping and slight tweaks to the exposure/contrast.

Everything else is straight out of the iPhone 13 Pro's camera system. Which, for some of them, is outstanding to see, honestly. As always, click the thumbnails to get the JPEG at 100% quality.

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halide iphone photography justice live music music photography

shot on iPhone with Halide: Gesaffelstein at Portola 2024

I just saw Gesaffelstein last night at Portola and boy that shit ripped. I had already watched his set from Coachella earlier this year, so I "knew" what to expect. But as always, watching a live performance is one thing, being there in person is another.

A true banger of a show, the combination of the minimalist set design and the hard hitting music really really worked.

As I often do in concerts, I took plenty of pictures/videos. It took me a few hours to triage everything (because Darkroom on macOS kind of sucks) but I managed to trim it down to a reasonable amount.

All of these were taken on my iPhone 13 Pro using the 3x telephoto lens. The first three ones were taken with the stock iOS camera, all the others were shot using Halide in RAW with "Process Zero" mode enabled.
And honestly? It produced incredible results given that: this is a phone camera, at a music festival, taken by hand[1] in a low-light environment.

Halide (in RAW mode) was already a killer tool for concert photography in my experience but Process Zero really takes it to the next level. The capture speed was more than enough, turns out when your camera doesn't try to capture hundreds of frame for one shot, you can go pretty wild with it. The focus was a bit hit or miss but that's expected given the environment (the fog machines really didn't help haha).

I only had to adjust the exposure/brightness on a handful of shots! It's incredible, really. I hope to be able to take good shots of Justice tonight 🤞

At any rate, here are the pictures (click to load the full, uncompressed JPEGs):

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gesaffelstein halide iphone photography live music music photography