Better TweetDeck changelog
- Added an option to display the full-time only after 24h
- Removed a debug message which was still in the code (woops!)
- Added an option to affect the mention helper only in name displaying
- Re-ordered the options to have something nicer
- Added a "Welcome" screen
- Re-ordered options
- Improved options page, now displaying it at each update with a changelog
- Added Tumblr support for previews
- Added CloudApp support for previews
- Added 500px support for previews
- Added Flickr support for previews
- Added Instagram support for previews
- Added full Imgur support for previews
- Added the possibility of choosing the services to display or not
- Added possibility not to hide the play button on YouTube thumbnails
- Large previews now fit perfectly with the Twitter ones
- Added a "Welcome" screen
- Re-ordered options
- Improved options page, now displaying it at each update with a changelog
- Added Tumblr support for previews
- Added CloudApp support for previews
- Added 500px support for previews
- Added Flickr support for previews
- Added Instagram support for previews
- Added full Imgur support for previews
- Added the possibility of choosing the services to display or not
- Added possibility not to hide the play button on YouTube thumbnails
Fixed a bug where URL could get "lost" between AJAX calls, resulting in failed links
- Fixed a bug where suffixes were mixed between providers, resulting in failed thumbnails
- Fixed a bug where links where mistakenly considered as album
- Fixed a weird bug with the "inverted" name display mode
- Thumbnail size now can be controlled within columns' settings!
- Image services are in alphabetical order in settings.
- Large previews got a triangle like the Twitter's ones! #Illuminati
- Fixed a bug with Imgur IDs that were wrongly parsed
- Fixed for real the issue with "inverted" name displaying. Phew.
- Fixed the font-weight of usernames when using the "inverted" naming display (in Notifications columns)
- Now you can display only one thumbnail per tweet
- Fixed a "bug" where RT-boxes from TweetDeck are too wide
- The extension fetches the user-size for thumbnails sooner, resulting in better working thumbnails
- Thumbnails are back in profil modal windows. I might add an option for that.
- Lightboxes support for all the thumbnails services
- Vimeo, Dailymotion and full Instagram support added
- Imgur thumbnails are now 100% accurate
- The extension displays less useless errors in the console.
- The Settings page has been restyled
- The extension is now localized in French in addition to English
- Added support of Dribbble,, yFrog & DeviantArt for thumbnails/lightboxes
- Lightboxes and modal windows can get a new "full-screen" effect
- Icons in compose panel can be smaller now
Bugfixes & Improvements:
- Fixed an issue with HTTPS and Dailymotion video embeds
- Fixed a duplicating thumbnails issue when a YouTube link and an Instagram one were in the same tweet
- Improved the Tumblr mechanism for thumbnails
- Removed thumbnails on Details view
- Stability and performance improvements as minor bugfixes as well
- BTD's lightboxes can be closed with Escape key
- Added a 404 check for Instagram links
- The tweet-action links in BTD's lightboxes work like the default ones
- Emojis are now supported!
- Soundcloud and Bandcamp are supported in thumbnails
Commit: 40ad2b3585374677782a46888afcf5f16add2796
Date: 2014-04-13
- You can now add emojis easily in your tweets thank to the "Emojis" button in the Compose panel!
- Thumbnails should be lighter to load.
- Thumbnails for any images are now supported!
- Thumbnails from Dropbox are now supported!
- Emojis are now all supported (almost?) perfectly and should be faster to load
- Minors improvements and bugfixes
- A lot of functions has been rewritten for better performances
- Rounded avatars work with the smaller size recently introduced in TweetDeck
- Some aesthetic detzials has been improved
Commit: eb2f04d07121be1c82a9456f712bd15201da6e9a
Date: 2014-05-04
- Minimal mode!
- A LOT of things got improved in the way they're coded
- Some annoying "bugs" were crushed, yay!
Commit: cc98786609c0870df60d9b59b050ea4e66bf90c9
Date: 2014-05-08
- No more using <all_urls>
- Improvements for the Minimal mode
- Fixed URLs in profiles
Commit: b79e9a6161f2c76440cf9060885ae8a635cb9557
Date: 2014-05-20
- A share button
- A button to access the settings
- A preview of the tweet display settings
- TED talks support
- Konami stuff
Commit: 719436b424b44e265c5b036211c0070ecd963bad
Date: 2014-05-23
- Removed emojis to let the TweetDeck ones
- Re-added emojis as TweetDeck "fixed" their XSS flaws but didn't add emojis back
Commit: bacede58aaea3e86c44dbd74acc42e41a603f651
Date: 2014-08-03
- A new version completely re-written! Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger!
- You can now make new tweets "flash"
- A new nicer and eaiser to use Options page
- Tons of optimizations, bug fixes and improvements for an even better experience!
Commit: 9a397f8c860dd4c079525f6a4cadb5976799814a
Date: 2016-08-02
- Completely re-written in ES2015 with modules for a more maintainable code
- Faster than 2.x, more reliable and nicer on resources
- Modals/thumbnails work in DMs
- Stop the autoplay of GIFs
- Verified badge in the columns
- Updated Minimal theme for dark/white + more reliable support of it
- Can change hearts back to stars
- Emoji picker now has a search and diversity support
- Every thumbnail is powered by and added thumbnails providers:
- Gfycat
- Giphy
- Mixcloud
- Skitch
- Spotify
- Streamable
- TinyGrab
- Twitch
- Vidme
- Custom format for timestamps
- Bigger emojis in tweets
Commit: f361e2358f925ab9f50d753747da64a18fb28c63
Date: 2016-08-06
- The play glyph is aligned on the "play icon"
- Modal previews open for tweets in notifications
- The "bubble" in minimal mode actually depends on the "show context" setting
- Another "save" button has been added in options page
Commit: ffc1f2c5f42d0d5c5e24031c8304e3e805e32d9d
Date: 2016-08-06
Commit: a9f447bbed7fbeba34436cc958df85c8b6ea013d
Date: 2016-08-06
- Share item is correctly added or not
- Settings button is back in TD
- Settings to hide scrollbars or not
Commit: dc71330fefc8fde9e615d964bb4b54dfd9494990
Date: 2016-08-07
- Option to hide bg of modals
Commit: 4a951605f36ac93e7fe75c916d02324af636e0cb
Date: 2016-08-07
Commit: 5208b13d731635bf48648d54345e293dc724cd3d
Date: 2016-08-08
Commit: 4fe6e20ed4c694d6373422125198f0f210d0e899
Date: 2016-08-08
- Removal of "tabs" permissions
- More reliable way of showing verified badges
- Fix flashing of tweets
- Links won't be hidden if a column has its media size on "off"
- Modal should not have a scrollbar anymore
- The code don't rely on anymore for most services (except Giphy, cloudapp, bandcamp and twitch)
Commit: a11071ea3ee67d16a6d15e06db5d68ed1867b453
Date: 2016-08-08
- Choice of activating a provider or not is correctly taken into account in settings
- Universal preview is re-enabled by default
- The code don't use anymore
Commit: d4049c8eb5d831cadd24cc7c587808bc512d66c9
Date: 2016-08-11
- Verified badges should display correctly when relevant
- Bring back the like/RT indicator on tweets because TweetDeck killed it
- Verified badges should display in modals and in the DM columns
Commit: 721ccf423e7fecc62a394d89a467d0ed1d1dc7ee
Date: 2016-08-18
- GIFs should not stop anymore when the option "Stop gif autoplay" is unchecked
- Streamable embed players were too small and mis-placed, it's now fixed
- The option "hide links relative to thumbnails" should work more reliably
- Better French translation (Thanks LeoColomb)
- Verified badge is better positioned (Thanks LeoColomb)
- Twitch clips ( are now supported
Commit: a80868ced0ab049010ce08d2711540733a93557c
Date: 2016-08-19
- Slimmer scrollbars are bigger and it's now an option
Commit: 9bb958e521c3156e62d7d2978b52bfb8bb1228a8
Date: 2016-09-01
- Added a setting to "stop" GIFs in profile pictures in columns
- Gfycat embed players were too small, it's now fixed
- Twitch clips should now actually work
- Username formatting should be more reliable/more performant
- The "no bg" background of modal now has a black to transparent gradient for improve readability
Commit: ca03bb49a46becffdb751cb0e8a3369ea4beab1a
Date: 2016-09-10
- Fix a bug where tweet actions would not work on custom modals.
- Fix a bug where icons of accounts in Compose panel would be mis-placed.
- Fix a bug where usernames would wrongly gets changed in some edge cases.
- Made some improvements to the way BTD stores its settings to handle future Edge/Firefox ports properly.
- Revert back the gradient on the modal's background.
Commit: 867b244d66acfafc110c3c1b0f98d09b719d08a7
Date: 2016-09-12
- Horizontal scrollbars are also thin when "slim scrollbars" is enabled (#96)
- Dribbble/Imgur thumbnails work again
- Hide the link related to a thumbnail only if it ends the tweet (#97)
Commit: bd9e60b8b5e6dabe526284740033479295876433
Date: 2016-09-17
- You can specify a custom width for columns using any CSS value
- The verified icon won't display on top on the "like" icon. Even though a heart should always be checked. :white_check_mark: :heart:
- The "replace hearts by stars" feature is fixed after TweetDeck broke it.
- The Esc key should close the lightboxes
Commit: 00e1498078eab0380bbf158a930e9f4130f085e3
Date: 2016-10-10
- Remove the heart button animation when the stars are displayed
- Slim scrollbars are also slim in detailed tweet view
- Fix display of verified badge because of TweetDeck update on 9th of October 2016
- Images/iframes in modals should be correctly resized now
- Desaturate some colors in minimal + dark mode
Commit: 920e304b958f981f09434938b19b23cb57a6e0fe
Date: 2016-10-17
- Fix display of verified badge because of TweetDeck update on 9th of October 2016 FOR REAL THIS TIME
- Gfycat iframes in modals should be correctly resized now (due to technical weirdness on Gfycat end, they won't resize dynamically though)
- Fixing the display of avatars in conversations because TweetDeck still didn't fix it smh
- BTD changes the usernames correctly inside quoted tweets inside retweets and inside the "in reply to" block inside quoted tweets
- The "in reply to" part in quoted tweets is a little darker than the rest so it doesn't blend too much while in Dark + Minimal mode
Commit: 44848cb0354eb25c74109cd47948e1de85ab19b6
Date: 2016-11-20
- You can now collapse read DMs in the Messages column for a cleaner look and more privacy (GG @pixeldesu) (#105)
- Fix a bug where valid "thumbnails" URLs would not get a preview because of the search query (#104)
Commit: c8806c956341f1e48d7dc83afa695df8dac51429
Date: 2016-12-06
- Fix some UI shenanigans because of last TweetDeck update (6th December 2016)
Commit: 33a803639cb337e4be3b283950c9828102ec202c
Date: 2016-12-06
- Fix a glitch with verified badges on "XXX added you to a list" notifications
Commit: e70c1465e623239b635b5decdcf27a2a57f1c690
Date: 2017-01-13
- Better TweetDeck now speaks Japanese! :jp: (thanks to @shuuji3) (#111)
- You can now paste images inside the tweet composer!
- :rotating_light: Due to a browser limitation, it will not work with GIFs :rotating_light:
- Verified badges in mentions should display correctly (as of 29/12/2016)
- Various little crashes (that were not disrupting the UI but still annoying me)
Commit: 90eb0a0ec4a482f7573ad707cfe72ab750939e6e
Date: 2017-01-19
- The changelog page now has some sweet looking pills :pill:
- Added support for Pixiv and Twipple! (thanks to @shuuji3) (#113)
- Re-unify square/rounded avatars everywhere in TweetDeck's UI following last TweetDeck update
- Patched some code to avoid various JS crashes :bug:
Commit: ce77bf6c9caa1a2ac53193d84fbc2b2b7e8cdfe6
Date: 2017-01-21
- Added some donating alternatives #Resist
- Fixed the settings dump section of the options page (thanks to @pixeldesu) (#115)
- Fixed the "red stars on hover" bug (â)
Commit: c907eabb4e1505e9e49839d9cfcdca529025e720
Date: 2017-02-07
- Added support for TINAMI (thanks to @shuuji3) (#117)
- Added support for Nicoseiga (thanks to @shuuji3) (#120)
- Renamed "show verified badges" to "show verified badges on top of avatar" to fit TweetDeck's update on Feb 7th 2017
Commit: 3c26bc775c24a768ac52c96ff9f7356735b1d2f8
Date: 2017-03-14
- Rejoice, the day finally came, GIFs can be viewed in fullscreen! :boom:
- Party hard, you can download GIFs from the fullscreen preview in one-click! :tada:
- You can choose the source of the thumbnails as a small badge on top of them (see the "Content" section)
- Added support for WorldCosplay (thanks to @shuuji3) (#127)
- Added support for Google+ photo albums (thanks to @shuuji3) (#126)
- Added support for Photozou photo albums (thanks to @shuuji3) (#125)
- Added support for Gyazo photo albums (thanks to @shuuji3) (#124)
- You can now paste images in replies and DMs
- Fullscreen previews are larger on smaller screens (thanks to @d4rky-pl) (#128)
- When inverted the usernames now correctly display the emojis with Twitter's assets
- Made some changes under the hood so the core of Better TweetDeck is more reliable and a bit faster
- Images in modals should correctly auto-resize now
- Giphy thumbnails should work again (they changed their API recently)
- Better TweetDeck was trying to fetch Bandcamp thumbnails for URLs like<username>
, it should not happen anymore - Removed the code that adjust the text direction automatically as TweetDeck handles that on their own now
- Removed the support of Pixiv as their API changed, breaking the current one
Commit: e634e0f8cb5a9395b5659b4939630cda6aa786db
Date: 2017-02-18
Commit: ed80856153bdf10e93632c218c96f291c474d64c
Date: 2017-03-30
- You can revert this nasty reply change thing (you know what I mean)
- You can now hide the RT/Like indicator on top of tweets
- BTD was trying to find thumbnails on Twitch chat links, I made the regex stricter so this should not happen anymore
- Instagram multi-video/multi-pictures posts were not correctly handled, it's now working fine
- Other minor bugfixes
Commit: a555a461705ad0d8a093e37c227f0fb40e922381
Date: 2017-04-23
- You can revert to the old search! (thanks to @pixeldesu) (#144)
- Instagram fullscreen previews should work properly now
- Video/iFrame-based modals should resize properly now
- The settings button has been repositioned
- The RT/likes indicator should now re-appear
- Some timestamps were not replaced/updated. This should be fixed
- The verified icon should be correctly displayed again now
- Some usernames were not handled, specifically in Activity columns. This should be alright now.
Commit: bec7e09c46c40cbf34a43a77a1c10db175676e30
Date: 2017-04-24
- The "download as GIF" link under GIF fullscreen previews is back. Sorry about that.
Commit: cd9e413894572a14783fe92c80f84830c0f371cc
Date: 2017-04-30
- Tweets with a poll will now have a "poll" indicator below them in the columns
- Spotify was not working anymore. This should be fixed.
- There was some weird issues with the Instagram embed script. It's now bundled w/ the extension to improve reliability.
Commit: 88affd016b34939235ef16364a392551c13c9443
Date: 2017-05-26
- Removed the old search setting. TweetDeck killed the hack, sorry, RIP :sob:
- Fix the bug that opened a Google search view when clicking on videos in the timeline (Related to a new TweetDeck feature)
- Tweet field will be re-focused when you alt-tab after having it focused already (thanks to @knu) (#152)
- Videos/iframe should (hopefully) be correctly resized in full screen previews
Commit: b48380c996c25c0f7036b7f545e2bacad94ff39c
Date: 2017-05-28
- The previous fix for the Google search link issue (see 3.3.5) was not reliable enough. That should be better now.
- There was a bug with small thumbnails showing a 2nd play icon. This should be fixed.
- The emoji picker has been updated (Unicode 8/9)
- Stickers sent in Direct Messages from Twitter apps are displayed now.
Commit: d41097ea8e25955b910bbeb204f49e24c38b274e
Date: 2017-06-06
- The "don't autoplay GIFs" feature has been removed now that TweetDeck has that feature now
- The sharing feature now requires your explicit permission before working. See the "Share" section on the left in the settings to learn more.
- There was some focusing issues on Opera/Chrome. This should be fixed now
Commit: 32185cf44119330e19777df503045f16f21a0b91
Date: 2017-06-09
- The settings page was broken on Firefox because of a mistake on my side. It's fixed
- Changed mentions of "Chrome" in the locales to "browser"
Commit: a4430e924ced55a893662bfd95e2c217af029d86
Date: 2017-06-17
- A banner is displayed when BTD has been updated for better visibility
- The stars icons are correctly changed with the new TweetDeck design
- The verified icons are correctly displayed with the new TweetDeck design (thanks to @LeoColomb) (#165)
- Some icons now use the official TweetDeck iconfont (thanks to @LeoColomb) (#167)
Commit: df3130fb337327a8f5e9507e27b2218b57587480
Date: 2017-06-22
- TweetDeck now has its own poll indicator so I can remove mine :grin:
- The action menu on a tweet now has a "Show on Favstar" item
- The way we apply some hacks should be less error-prone now (thanks to @pixeldesu) (#173)
Commit: 1b1bf86bd4c007865bcb4a3fbe544035b608a7cd
Date: 2017-07-02
- You can update the title of TweetDeck's tab when there are unread tweets/DMs
- You can mute #hashtags right from the tweet menu (toggable in the settings) (thanks to @pixeldesu) (#180)
- You can use JavaScript regular expressions as mute filters (thanks to @pixeldesu (#179)
- You can now choose to use the default font of your OS inside TweetDeck's UI! (thanks to @pixeldesu) (#176)
- With the related settings, emojis were made bigger everywhere in TweetDeck and not just in tweets. This is fixed.
- Usernames and verified badges should not disappear randomly anymore. BTD should be WAY ligther/faster thanks to that ð more technical details
- When "Show Verified badges above avatars" settings was enabled, verified badges were hidden inside quoted tweets and tweets that were the target of a like/retweet. They should be displayed correctly now.
- You can disable the "Show in Favstar" item in tweets' menu in the Content section
- The settings button is better integrated inside of TweetDeck's UI (thanks to @LeoColomb) (#177)
Commit: 50d074fb9f8c44ebfd381bca0aeb8a9990ff5722
Date: 2017-07-30
- Rejoice, old replies are back! Due to technical limitations, this only affects the display in columns though.
- You can add a shortcut to copy the links of all media in a tweet (thanks to @EntranceJew (#190))
- You can add a shortcut to download all the media in a tweet (thanks to @EntranceJew (#190))
- The dropdown menus in dark theme should be legible again
- Gfycat thumbnails now use the official oEmbed endpoint. So they should work correctly now.
- Some changes have been made under the hood to improve performances and security. Kudos to the Mozilla review team for advices!
Commit: fea0e236debe961f5c141342ebc1cc052029afd3
Date: 2017-07-31
- Removed strict check on the custom column width value
Commit: 5a9bc13906ebf67b19c20448a64a1e3aeddfbc8b
Date: 2017-07-31
- PLEASE READ IF YOU USE BTD ON FIREFOX: Due to Mozilla's policy about 3rd party code in add-ons I had to remove the Instagram-related code from the Firefox build. It's annoying, but don't blame me, I'm just following the rules. I'll be working on an alternative but it's not as easy as it sounds.
- The custom column width setting should work like it did before.
- Some thumbnails were not showing on Firefox, this should be fixed
Commit: 5209b8b788d6f3153d429f774c7d84caec4ec07a
Date: 2017-09-04
Commit: e2fced93ea9fb76e620f0ca79eaa9e1a593f5228
Date: 2017-09-24
Commit: a56cd0d02d7598a0f19bdc779dd811b67b5f4474
Date: 2017-09-25
- You can add a
Mute <source>
item in tweets menu. Useful to mute tweets from specific apps! - You can add a clear button ( :droplet: ) in columns' header (thanks @EntranceJew #224)
- You can add a "collapse" button ( :heavy_minus_sign: ) in columns' header (thanks @EntranceJew #208)
- You can specify the format of the filename when downloading a GIF/image. (thanks @EntranceJew #204)
- You can make it so holding Ctrl (or Cmd on Mac) while interacting with a tweet (liking, retweeting, download/hotliking its media) makes you follow the author of said tweet. (thanks @EntranceJew #206)
- Some internal changes have been made so Better TweetDeck is (hopefully) more reliable and faster. Are affected: timestamps, and the removal of the redirection among others.
- I've tweaked the way the old replies are displayed in tweets, this should be more on-par with the old behavior.
- GIFs downloaded off a retweet should have the proper username in their filename (thanks @EntranceJew #203)
- A couple visual bugs have been fixed
Commit: 3c773908378ebed43222123b353f0ae0db4e38a2
Date: 2017-10-21
- You can enable an "Edit" item in tweets' menu (see the settings for specifics) (thanks @EntranceJew #230)
- You can pause the scrolling of columns when hovering them (thanks @EntranceJew #212)
- You can configure the feed behaviour when collapsing columns (thanks @EntranceJew #239)
- You can put the search columns before the first column (thanks @chylex #219)
- The Japanese translation has been updated (thanks @shuuji3 #236)
- Minor bugfixes
Commit: 595f77c0545c9348b15012be5490e2fecb93fa91
Date: 2017-11-07
- You can display the character count as a number again instead of the circle-loading-thing (thanks @pixeldesu #263)
- Due to performance reasons, Better TweetDeck will NOT change timestamps, load thumbnails and stickers inside DMs anymore as it was slowing down the DM conversations too much.
- Fixed the French translations (thanks @viki53 #252)
- The Japanese translation has been updated (thanks @shuuji3 #259)
Commit: cc3810274206bda9a2fba5cfde138d86f5982788
Date: 2017-11-10
- All of the CSS tweaks should work properly (minimal theme, modal background, verified icon, stars, etc..)
- That's all folks ð€·ââïž
Commit: 3cfa418857f8e9e9aa71ea06043977272e0f599e
Date: 2017-11-10
- The "icons in compose panel are smaller" was not properly fixed after 3.4.9. Should be good now.
Commit: 1ce4a722e23db2a4aba36339ad342fe0c71cc7c9
Date: 2017-12-18
- You can now add GIFs directly from Giphy and Tenor from the composer. Click the GIF button in there and ð¥
- You can now add emojis in the composer even more easily using :shortcodes: like on Discord/Slack/GitHub.
- The emoji picker now displays a small preview of the emoji currently hovered, showing its :shortcode:
- The emoji picker should have slightly better performances
- The emoji picker now has a larger scrollbar and displays more emoji in the same space
- Instagram embeds should work again
- GIFs were not opening in fullscreen properly when they were in quoted tweets. That should work now.
- When truncating the text for sharing, BTD now takes account of the new character limit
Commit: 089a17342429dc5b9f938fc1620a1d6536b913b5
Date: 2017-12-31
- Better TweetDeck's settings are translated into Czech! (Thanks @chylex and @Sophia2329 #292 )
- Some categories were not working in the emoji picker, this should work again
- Support for Twipple thumbnails was removed as it shut down back in November
- Support for thumbnails has been added (Thanks @shuuji3 #294)
- The emoji completion is now usable with the mouse
- If you are on Firefox, check out the add-on I made to fix the videos playback on TweetDeck/Twitter =>
Commit: 822bf8d1fd7cdd048b3436486a3a542521c351d4
Date: 2018-02-02
Advanced Mute Engine's debut!
- This release marks the debut of the Advanced Mute Engine into Better TweetDeck! Amazing work by @pixeldesu.
This lets you:
- Mute specific keywords from a specific user
- Mute by using regular expressions (the old regex settings has been removed)
- Mute by keywords in users' biography
- Mute users with default profile pictures
- Mute users with less than X followers
- Nicovideo thumbnails are now supported! And Nicoseiga thumbnails should work again! (Thanks @shuuji3 (#295))
- Pixiv thumbnails are back! (Thanks @shuuji3 (#303))
- You can now add the
variable to the filename when downloading images/videos of a tweet (thanks @shuuji3 (#305)) - Settings are now translated in German (thanks @flak3 (#307 ))
- The emoji completion should now add the selected emoji when using the Tab key (thx @Floppy012 (#309))
- The verified icon on top of avatars is now a SVG icon which should look better in some browsers (namely Firefox)
- Instagram embeds should work again
Back to the future
- A new setting to re-enable the old dark theme has been added. Keep in mind that this is experimental and can break at any time and won't be maintained eternally either. Look for it in the Interface section!
- Fixed some CSS after TweetDeck's update on the 6th of February that reduced the size of avatars and tweaked some layouts in the notifications columns
Commit: d18a299ac31702150422147a1d89ac27e3362e78
Date: 2018-02-02
Commit: 694559dec1938c7d90267cb3fbff395f30fa30fa
Date: 2018-02-06
Commit: 927134da6ac130cdca51d9b0420158f899fe4ffd
Date: 2018-02-08
Commit: 02db02156d765b563559d5993aba020beeaa7398
Date: 2018-02-09
Revamped "Download GIF" feature!
The "Download to GIF" feature has been reworked to be faster and more reliable, and you can now download more than 1 GIF at the time (if you're fast enough) ð¥
- The "collapsed read DMs" setting was glitched since TweetDeck's update on early February, this should work fine now
- Instagram embeds should work again
- CSS hotfixes are possible again, so I should be able to fix some CSS issues temporarily without needing to push an update
Commit: 0dea626dd56112ca3d3c799b4a933bf4d929e64b
Date: 2018-03-25
ðš Custom CSS ðš
It's finally here! ð You can inject whatever CSS you want into TweetDeck easily with Better TweetDeck! No need for a separate extension anymore!
Bugfixes and other features
- Pixiv thumbnails can now be displayed from users pages (thanks @mika-f in #322)
- You can now mute a specific tweet from the tweet menu. Look for
Hide this tweet
when clicking the...
button on a tweet - You can enable a "Keep tweeted hashtags" feature, useful when livetweeting! (thanks @zenmaibane in #324)
Commit: e853fa398a9937ff9a9a4cbcec29a27decfa9dee
Date: 2018-05-04
ð Bugfixes ð & one small feature
- On May the 1st TweetDeck made some changes to the columns, notably breaking the clear button, the collapse button. Those two should be back in action!
- The size of the text input in column headers could be wrong if you set a custom width smaller than 250px on your columns, this should now be fixed
- The "Mute retweets from user" option was gone from users' profiles' dropdowns after a TweetDeck update, it's now back.
- The favicons of the thumbnails providers were not displaying in BTD's options page if you enabled the "Tracking Protection" feature of Firefox. This should now be fixed.
- The "new" button in the settings was misplaced in some situations, it should now be fixed.
- You can now hide the scrollbars of columns on Firefox ð¥ðŠ
Commit: 6fd7359192f9dfd8a6096e32d2297aa97b18bc1a
Date: 2018-05-15
Commit: 001567a6a5be67d8564a1e073faa0e9aaee0f79a
Date: 2018-06-02
Commit: 2c4bbc5790771d412c6b217c3da64fe691a73676
Date: 2018-06-09
Since is closing on June 19th, this release removes the item pre-emptively.
We'll miss you, Favstar ðð¢
Otherwise, this release contains:
- CSS fixes for the columns thing that happened a few weeks ago
- Other small CSS fixes
- Japanese translation fixes (#346)
Commit: fd3759f41bd161fa7885d0a0643c3456d23e9007
Date: 2018-06-25
Contains a hotfix for the TweetDeck update of June 25th 2018.
Some small features may me missing but they'll be restored as soon as a complete fix is found, thanks for your patience!
Commit: 2f51218f52f4dd61b5b266cf23545111869532ed
Date: 2018-06-30
Commit: 721d0209d935c4a3f19af9e73bf8f1c5f07805af
Date: 2018-06-30
ð Bugfixes & co ð
- âš Take a look in the bottom left corner âš It's a Better TweetDeck logo! ð± ð (you can disable this in the options if for some reason you're not into it)
- The small notifications when downloading GIFs should be back again ð¥
- Made some tweaks to avoid future TweetDeck updates from breaking Better TweetDeck ð
- Fix some CSS around the banners that Better TweetDeck displays at the top of the app
- When downloading videos, there was a
suffix added after the extension, this should be fixed now
Commit: f3298fe272ca6b059ffe8b9fb1fd228467a53d95
Date: 2018-07-02
Commit: bf35be5b2fbd570682be4739ddcd0ad5b58b87b2
Date: 2018-11-28
First release in a long time! ðŽ
- Some fixes to the Japanese translation (#373)
- Fix the fullscreen media overlay on small windows (#379)
- Backport some of the CSS hotfixes to the actual codebase
- Visual fixes for the new dark theme (emoji panel, dropdowns in minimal theme)
- Fixes to the "classic" dark theme, it should look mostly fine/usable now..
Features and improvements
- Add new
Follower count greater than
mute option (#387) - Add thumbnails support for MLTSHP (#371)
- Add thumbnails support for Audiomack (#364)
- Add thumbnails support for CorkBoard (#329)
Commit: 4b588e40028f7112fd153fdc80a46cead9d4d023
Date: 2019-01-19
1st release of 2019! Happy new year! ð
As of Firefox 64+, Firefox finally supports custom scrollbars in CSS, so this release of BTD adds some CSS to style TweetDeck's scrollbars and enable the "slim scrollbars" option in Firefox ð¥ ðŠ ð
- Fix alignment of settings button in sidebar since last TweetDeck's update (#399)
- Fix some CSS issues with the Giphy column.
- Fix RT/like indicators not showing up in columns anymore.
Commit: 2e866aca50343f80bc2db83e9e1dce3c6f5acb1c
Date: 2019-03-05
Commit: 72d4804d94bb8c7031a50259ed98e254831b1736
Date: 2019-03-09
a.k.a the "TweetDeck broke my stuff, so I gotta fix it back" update.
- The Giphy/Tenor integration works again
- The "Keep tweeted hashtags" feature works again
- The emoji picker/auto-completion works again
- The settings button is here again
As far as I can tell, I managed to fix everything the last TweetDeck update broke. Let met know if you're seeing something missing.
- You can now add a mute (ð) and a block (ð«) item to the tweet actions, check the "Content" section of the settings to enable those
Commit: 8da3b93e3946c241fdd0f4947fdff1de0da8754b
Date: 2019-03-09
Commit: 9fc3155e031c823b471c009f41c98b7ae51c8a18
Date: 2019-03-10
Commit: 93607370070ea3ed4d9acb37bca6ee978e25492f
Date: 2019-03-10
Bugfixes, bugfixes, bugfixes! ð
- The emoji picker should actually insert an emoji when an emoji is being clicked! Phew.
- The Mute/Block items should now work inside Activity columns. And they also will show the @ of whom you're about to block/mute.
- The search inside the emoji picker should work now ð
- The emoji picker, gif integration, and "keep hashtags" feature should now work if you have the "Stay open" option checked.
- Fixes in the way BTD checks whether it has been updated or not.
- Update of the Japanese localization (#411)
Commit: dad8787bb77a74e0a47c910d72eb6e2a6f8264df
Date: 2019-03-10
Really fixes the "keep hashtags" feature this time ð
If you appreciate what I do with Better TweetDeck, I have a donate page on the website now!
Commit: de7ea5653daae3e277964cfbd3b84188483152a4
Date: 2019-07-10
- Hotfix for TweetDeck's last update that hardened their Content Security Policy, thus blocking Tenor/Giphy and other features.
That's all! Hope you're having a nice summer!
Commit: f27fda2dab7a73323e4e22f895d5de75e713509b
Date: 2019-09-21
- Fixed a bug where the favicon of TweetDeck would change because of the URLs from which Better TweetDeck tries to get thumbnails from (if you had this happen, you'll know what I mean)
Commit: 5e30fe335093d3f77a52ee0463ae289f16d18539
Date: 2019-10-12
Commit: a8874510259b8fa095ce179f70b6320d7eda599d
Date: 2019-11-28
- Fixes some templates not being replaced, which fixes the following features (probably others that I didn't notice) (
- block button in tweet actions
- mute button in tweet actions
- button to download all medias in tweet actions
- button to copy links to all medias in tweet actions
- Tentative fix for the emoji insertion bug that wouldn't properly save the tweet draft, making you send half-written shortcodes instead of emojis (
- Fixes some dropdowns menus being impossible to read with the OG dark theme on (
- Add time-related variables to the download filename templates ( (thanks @shuuji3 !)
Commit: 00cc17233fe04862e93363e5f2375d7772650c1e
Date: 2020-05-18
Commit: d1ae1f61ff8960c2cc775bad964f82fc9d86a7c4
Date: 2020-05-18
- Fix the "no background behind modal" setting after TweetDeck's last update that switched to a native video player (
- Hopefully fix the emoji autocompletion not inserting the emoji in time when tweeting (
- Fix a typo in the French localization
Commit: 44c379729723741a10a720b7379a688ac3cc78e2
Date: 2020-05-20
Commit: 712009a8006e03ff7c3ab4772223705689ca5899
Date: 2020-05-23
In order to be compliant with the new Google policie regarding permissions, I had to remove a bunch of permissions BTD wasn't using. The list is quite long so feel free to check this Pull Request for details.
Also, the video modals for youtube/vimeo/etc should work correctly again, sorry about that ðââïž
Commit: 58c6d86110509c7759cf9c6ae09f8ae631240f8b
Date: 2020-05-25
This release fixes the fact that the "Share on TweetDeck" context menu stopped working in Firefox in 3.9.13
Commit: 1ea788561afe0c33d6fd432d1696ad021fdc45da
Date: 2020-06-05
- Fix the giphy/tenor search not working in Firefox 77
- Fix the download media button in Firefox 77
- Fix an (old) bug around the date picker in the tweet composer
- Fix the bug where opening the Better TweetDeck settings would crash a tab container on Firefox
- Some vertical offset is added to the tweet composer so when the "small composer icons" option is enabled, those buttons aren't hidden on smaller monitors
- The emoji popover will now try to re-position itself on smaller monitors where it might be partially hidden because it would go below the bottom of the window
Commit: 4049211911b969954af9502e835f51c751afb054
Date: 2020-09-15
This is a maintenance update that upgrades some code dependencies (DOMPurify) for security reasons.
Commit: 7c147db4251d2fa357269dc020e8ffcccdc7d308
Date: 2021-01-22
Commit: da932a531150ae7c8f9a7acd8454ee922ced53ad
Date: 2021-01-22
- Fix a bug around pasting files into the TweetDeck composer
- Fix a bug around video embed sizes in the fullscreen preview
- Prepare for Safari 14 support
- Remove un-used permissions on Firefox
Commit: 8aeae088e5d057e55824695df5bbaaae89571e26
Date: 2021-04-03
Better TweetDeck 4 is a complete rework of the extension!
Everything has been rewritten from scratch to improve performance, stability, and make adding features easier in the future!
Speaking of features, 4.0 also comes with the following new features and improvements:
- You can now customize TweetDeck with a selection of 7 accent colors
- You can choose between two new dark themes, "Super Black" and "Old Gray"
- You can make TweetDeck switch between the light theme and a dark theme of your choosing according to your system's settings
- You can display the account picker when clicking the "like" button on a given tweet
- You can add a "Delete" button in columns' header in addition to the already existing Collapse and Clear
- You can display single images with their original aspect ratio inside of columns
- You can display fullscreen images like on Twitter Web (full width, with a colored background)
- You can show tweets "cards" inside of the columns
- You can choose to import/export your settings
- Better TweetDeck makes it so TweetDeck properly displays newer emoji
- Quote tweets with images are displayed like on Twitter Web
- The emoji picker has been revamped and should be easier to update in the future
- Translator badges can now be shown in addition to verified badges in columns
- And a lot of little things!
Commit: af5bfce295caa36ef5940a0fd5e38b44c4690ce6
Date: 2021-04-06
Commit: f92c28c44d213c9db19bca1150f2fffa5cfade3c
Date: 2021-04-08
- Restore the setting to show RT/Like indicator on the top right of tweets
- Add Brazilian Portuguese translation
- Add Japanese translation
- Add German translation
- Re-add a setting to show the character counter in the tweet composer
- Properly ask for
permission on Firefox when enabling the Share Item. This should fix the shared links title not being captured on Firefox. - Small main theme tweaks
- Fix the horizontal scrollbar in profile modals
- Fix unread DMs styles in Old Grey/Super Dark theme (fixes
- Fix selected tweet styles in Old Grey/Super Dark theme (Fixes
- Tweak the Old Grey theme for better contrast (Fixes
- Make the horizontal scrollbar at the bottom of the app thinner when asked to on Firefox (Fixes
- Make sure cards aren't rendered when a column has media off (Fixes
- Allow for single images in quoted tweets to have the right aspect ratio (Fixes
- Fix "keep tweeted hashtag" feature when using the always opened composer (Fixes
- Preserve CSS comments when saving Custom CSS (Fixes
- Improvements to the "show cards" features have been in an attempt to reduce the memory consumption when it was enabled.
Commit: 9bd9528942ba4a121d08357e9205181209743aad
Date: 2021-04-10
- Better TweetDeck doesn't need to override TweetDeck's theme anymore (Fixes
- Fix a bug where quoted tweets could get rendered multiple times in a given tweet when coming back from their detailed view (Fixes
- Fix a bug that rendered cards inside of non-mentions notifications (Fixes
Commit: 2d8f5695a4ac934a08501160b0c7e1378ffda763
Date: 2021-04-16
- Adds a search in the settings
- Don't show emoji completion unless there are two characters after the
- Uncollapse collapsed columns when clicking in the app navigation
- Fix around keep hashtags
- Add settings to disable emoji-related features and the GIF picker (
- Allow to pick a custom accent color (
- Properly theme Trending column when switching theme automatically (
- Re-add "regex by username" from @pixeldesu (
- Add a setting to only show the like account picker on specific accounts (
- Fix
- Add a setting to change the translation destination language (
- Make sure buttons in detailed view don't wrap (
- Allow clicking on an emoji in the completion to insert it (
Commit: 5ccb0c16896bf51c83ce6de5e2864c2790245739
Date: 2021-05-03
- Make sure redirection gets removed on website links inside of the profile modal ( @hiroto7)
- Fix some usernames formatting issues ( @hiroto7)
- Localization updates (
- Fix an issue where the modern overlay color change was triggered when browsing a profile inside the modal ( @hiroto7 )
- Fixes tooling issues for Microsoft Edge
Commit: 70c5569a71c0e51fa0ef52184c6ef4d9a67f7fd1
Date: 2021-05-25
Commit: 345187dcf300086c8c7a3d939fc74f8f704b5f37
Date: 2021-06-06
ð³ïžââ§ïž ð³ïžâð Happy Pride Month! ð³ïžâð ð³ïžââ§ïž
You can now change the logo displayed at the bottom left of TweetDeck and choose between 25 different variations!
Other features
- You can add a "follow" action to tweets (thanks @hiroto7
- You can show a specific badge for mutuals (people you follow and follow you)
- Fix a bug where typing ASCII style emoticons was triggering a weird behavior with the emoji completion (Fixes
- Fix a bug where BTD would unmount all instances of a given card accross multiple column when one instance would get out of the viewport
- Dynamically remove/add the context menu item without needing to relaunch the browser when changing the settings (Fixes
- Prevent most occurrences of "jumping around" when scrolling in columns with cards rendering enabled by specifying a minimum height for different kinds of cards ahead of time
- Also make sure to load cards in replies of a given tweet
â ïž For Firefox users only â ïž
The strict_min_version
of BTD is now 84.0. Any version lower than that will NOT be supported. The value was kept at 52.0 due to an oversight and I will try to update it regularly.
Commit: e608eae3def96886050d8db3d965f98d83b0c023
Date: 2021-06-07
This is a hotfix update after 4.2.0
- The accent color setting should work again
- The avatar shape setting should work again
- The small composer button setting should work again
- More small fixes around link previews ("cards")
Commit: 2880aa04ed7c585c56294195c71300f8bf15383d
Date: 2021-07-05
- Add a setting to show the account's avatar on top of columns (
- Add a setting to change the mutual badge to a double arrow instead of a heart
- Add a setting to add a "Clear all columns" button in the sidebar (
- Add a setting that requires all images to have a description before tweeting (
- Add a setting to automatically detect content warnings in tweets and show a UI to expand/collapse the tweets' content ( (thx to @pixeldesu for the initial implementation!)
- The extension now uses a non persistent background page. This shouldn't affect functionality but will allow the browser to unload Better TweetDeck's background page when it's un-used for a bit.
- The settings button is now hidden on collapsed columns (
- Fix a bug that could occur when closing the tweet composer while having the gif picker opened (
- Add a setting to also hide unread DMs in addition to read DMs
- More fixes around link previews in columns
Commit: ffc4d015dc3177cd02ee7acd86f9516c750ef213
Date: 2021-07-06
This is a hotfix of 4.3.0, check that release for the new features/changes.
- Revert back to using a persistent background page for the time being. This should fix issues around the "Share on TweetDeck" contextual menu item
Commit: 2f663524c8e62ca260d2217f3c4e615b20a3fc0a
Date: 2021-07-12
- The "share on TweetDeck" contextual menu item should work reliably now. You might have to restart your brower after the update to make sure everything sorts itself out
- The logic of the mandatory alt on images should be more reliable now (
- The accent color should be applied to the "Show more" links in TweetDeck's UI (
- The "Clear all" button should properly handle the case where a single column cannot be cleared.
- Some adjustements have been made to the "column navigator" (sidebar) part of the UI as to better accomodate the "Clear all" button.
- Both the "Clear all" and "Clear" buttons on column can now turn into a "Reload" button when holding the Shift button
Commit: 9a191bc035e5bc596f67b6d283d185283b8afb56
Date: 2021-07-28
Thanks to the recent introduction of conversation control on already posted tweets, Better TweetDeck can now use that to set conversation control on tweets.
- BTD should be marked as compatible with Firefox ESR (78 as the time of writing)
- This release adds a failsafe to prevent BTD from accidentally breaking stuff on TweetDeck Preview.
- The "show tweet cards inside columns" feature now uses a more recent way of displaying those cards, resulting in much less memory usage and faster loading times overall. This should also fix all the issues around the scroll "jumping around" issues when those cards were loading.
- I also did a bunch of maintenance/performance stuff, nothing should change functionality-wise!
- HTML entities should properly be converted when using the "Re-draft" menu item (see
Commit: fc568341cd120635603bb705930e97960acf147b
Date: 2021-09-27
- Updates to the German, Japanese and Brazilian Portuguese translations
- Add a regex filter for display names (
- By default the image description requirement setting will not apply to the DM composer. You can enable it there with a new setting now (
- The emoji composer, completion, and replacement in tweets now supports Unicode 13.1 so emoji like ðµâð«ð¥² can be inserted and will be displayed properly
Commit: 435cbb33bfcbc2c57f774a5267e51c75a120736e
Date: 2021-10-04
What's Changed
- Changed links in contributors list from API responses to GitHub profiles by @Jaid in
- New Crowdin updates by @eramdam in
- The settings modal should scale better on smaller displays
- Safari 15 only: the Safari's tab color should be more consistent with the actual background of the TweetDeck theme.
New Contributors
- @Jaid made their first contribution in
Full Changelog:
Commit: 506aadbcdf2472552d47acaebf652af50ba73af3
Date: 2021-10-20
- The
Display name (regular expression)
filter should work properly now - More types of "cards" should be displayed (fixes
Commit: 3b65cf7e1fd32b4e0081060ebd37aec4111abff6
Date: 2021-10-22
- Fixes other regex filters to be case-insensitive
Commit: b061c3a5ce1cc2a9d600ee93f3b94ea6b3f3f342
Date: 2021-11-01
- You can now choose to display "profile labels" when they're available

- You can enable a setting to let Better TweetDeck try to detect users' pronouns from their biography/location. If you see a false positive/detection error please let me know on @Eramdam or @BetterTDeck

Both of these new settings can be found in the "Tweet content" section of the settings!
Changes / Bugfixes
- Better TweetDeck now has its own custom banners instead of relying on TweetDeck's own banners. They look prettier and should prevent confusion/weird issues with TweetDeck's own system

- The content warning detection feature will show the CW/CN/TN acronym to make it clearer why a tweet is being collapsed

- Click events inside cards should be properly handled:
Commit: 5c8656089269c5a806a159f27431802550aabc31
Date: 2021-11-06
- The mute and block actions on tweets will now show a confirmation pop-up (fixes
- Better TweetDeck will try to parse tweets' timestamps down to millisecond precision (thanks to @key-moon for the base implementation in
- Native videos should take the entirety of available space when opened in fullscreen (fixes
- Better TweetDeck now uses an aggregate of both and so it should try to match more neopronouns
- Pronoun matching is improved in some cases
- Support for inverted object/subject pairs like
- Fixes around matching pronouns between non-word characters
- Lots of parsing fixes
- Tries to parse
pronouns: any
andany pronouns
- Support for inverted object/subject pairs like
- The verified badge should properly show up on follower notifications
- Better TweetDeck will not try to render "carousels" in tweets automatically anymore (Fixes
- The content warning detection will try to match new patterns for content warnings:
Commit: b085983dd855fe114452c540886b88a2fcb23693
Date: 2021-11-14
- Vertical videos shouldn't be cut off any more
- Alt text on images should be kept when using the Re-draft feature
- An additional (opt-out) setting has been added to control the confirmation showing up when blocking/muting users from tweet actions
- Additional actions (block, mute, download, copy links, follow) should show up in fullscreen image view
Full Changelog:
Commit: a77b3654600b877cc51a575338409cedd889c092
Date: 2021-11-16
- The mutuals badge on avatars should show more reliably
- Fixes around pronouns matching
- Fixes around content warning matching
- The confirmation setting should actually work now
- The videos should be bigger only with the "Show images à la Twitter Web" setting
Commit: 78d20710db214145b86c0d7ab86c0a90e115c92b
Date: 2021-11-29
- Better TweetDeck will try to enable sending images/videos with quote tweets.
- More fixes around pronouns matching
- Fixes in the CW detection logic
- Fix the bug where the "copy links" action would output "[object Object]"
- Tweak the timing of the logic that tries to re-add alt text on images when using the re-draft feature
- Show a notification when the browser updates the extension and TweetDeck tabs are open, making sure the user reloads to prevent issues
- Avoid showing the emoji completion when typing a date in the format
- The emoji and gif buttons are now injected into the inline reply composer as well
- Add a setting to auto-mute users who use the "NFT avatar" (hexagon-shaped avatars) integration that Twitter is working on releasing
Commit: 91323b5ded26d2ee0af9257c655d37802fbbe6af
Date: 2021-11-30
This is a hotfix on top of 4.6.0, see that release for most of the interesting stuff. Meanwhile, 4.6.1 fixes the following:
- Fixes styling issues around the accent color feature
- Properly hide images in the
setting with the CW detection feature
Commit: 4d980f4d3088cd6cf10118feb110c14c50ef695b
Date: 2021-11-30
This is a hotfix on top of 4.6.0, see that release for most of the interesting stuff. Meanwhile, 4.6.2 fixes the following:
- Fixes styling issues around the accent color feature
- Properly hide images in the
setting with the CW detection feature - Properly handle the transition between inline tweet composer and the pop-out one
Commit: e3e7df456112e9e871fc26c6ad5e93b6386b4ca1
Date: 2021-12-02
- Fixes an issue causing the emoji/gif picker buttons to not show up if the tweet composer was set to
Stay open
- Allow insertion of an emoji after another emoji when using the completion with
Commit: 0dfc8613b0598165c84cc834fca429320ac5316b
Date: 2022-01-04
What's Changed
- Add Japanese translations for settings_mute_nfts_accounts by @Lycolia in
- Add UI to list and export users caught by mutes (see details below) by @eramdam in
- Fix download-media action in Activity by @yaa in
- Fixes around solo pronoun matching when surrounded by hyphens
- Keyword-less content warning matching is more strict
- The mutual badge will now take precedence over the verified one when applicable (
- Fix the inline reply box being hidden when a tweet with a content warning is collapsed
- Fix the link previews being bigger than regular image/video previews inside a column with the "small" media preview size (
New Contributors
- @Lycolia made their first contribution in
- @yaa made their first contribution in
"Mute catches" modal
Starting with this release, Better TweetDeck will keep track of users whose tweets are hidden by the different mutes you set up. The list of users is accessible by going to the Settings -> Mute pane of TweetDeck. Once you're there, you will be able to review, sort, and export those users in different formats, which can be useful for making sure your mutes aren't too "greedy" or to get a list of users to block/
Commit: 8c08c751458bd9ff2d0760847716b81903ab2a58
Date: 2022-01-09
This is a hotfix update on top of 4.7.0
- Fixes around the content warning detection
- Fix links not appearing in some cases in mentions
- (Hopefully) fix a random issue around notifications not loading in some cases
Commit: 562a2f1b159c0d7f8e7eac4163759c60fb1e2158
Date: 2022-01-20
This is a patch update on top of 4.7.1 and 4.7.0
- Fix an issue around the mute logging system that could falsely flag accounts in some cases
- Fix the issue where the composer buttons would disappear when hitting the Escape key while having the
Stay open
checkbox checked ( - Fix a bug with CW detection in mentions/notifications
- (Hopefully) fix an issue preventing BTD from loading in some cases
Commit: 79d0e0038ccef9fdf8a142e434e1636b534ea41e
Date: 2022-01-28
This is a patch update on top of 4.7.2, 4.7.1, and 4.7.0
New features
- Support the new Twitter media warning system in columns, with an opt-out setting in
Tweet content
Fixes / Improvements
- Add French translation for the settings
- Fix an issue where profile labels wouldn't have an icon showing up
- Hopefully fix an issue where the new version banner would appear even after being dismissed
Commit: 069a1f9435092dcd94fb7c10ff8e073e84315843
Date: 2022-02-21
Commit: 1d9f19b7126cb4436e98845954202810fa6c477e
Date: 2022-02-21
- Better TweetDeck will warn you before re-drafting a tweet. You can disable this behavior in the
Tweet actions
page of the settings. - Added a new mute filter "Tweets with more than X hashtags" (
- Added settings to configure what kind of media warnings you want to consider (
- Important change to the CW detection feature: the feature will NOT try to detect patterns like
anymore. Instead, a new setting has been added in which you can specify what keywords should be detected in this pattern. - Added a feature to allow the collapsing of tweets that contain a specific keyword (useful for spoilers!) (
- The GIF picker now features infinite scrolling and has improved performance
- Mute filters that are user-specific (like the NÆT avatar one) should properly consider retweets (
- The composer textarea has been made slightly bigger
- Fix a wording bug with the media warnings
- Small fixes around pronouns parsing
- Fix a bug where the "all images require a description" setting would not work properly when quote tweeting from an account that requires confirmation (
- Bump node-fetch from 2.6.6 to 2.6.7 by @dependabot in
- Bump nanoid from 3.1.30 to 3.2.0 by @dependabot in
- Bump follow-redirects from 1.14.5 to 1.14.8 by @dependabot in
- Replace deprecated String.prototype.substr() by @CommanderRoot in
- Bump url-parse from 1.5.3 to 1.5.7 by @dependabot in
New Contributors
- @CommanderRoot made their first contribution in
Full Changelog:
Commit: e8411e293a60633a319e465d5d01ed8532436102
Date: 2022-02-21
This is a hotfix release on top of 4.8.1
- Fixes the "more than X hashtags" filter causing notifications not to be displayed in columns
Full Changelog:
Commit: b3e9cf9df9af9d6b32561453b4e60f9a441d369b
Date: 2022-03-06
This is a hotfix release on top of 4.8.1 and 4.8.2
- Fixes a layout bug in the GIF picker when scrollbars are visible
Commit: 9baf459e03243b6f27d8c5c4ba33f822c81f57d7
Date: 2022-03-06
This is a hotfix release on top of 4.8.1, 4.8.2 and 4.8.3
- Fixes a regression when using a custom accent color with the light theme
Commit: 2f1bfdc175e671cd9315dd8e28b80eb48c000bc9
Date: 2022-03-21
- The emoji picker, emoji completion, and emoji display now supports Twemoji 14
- The emoji completion and emoji picker search should be improved
- The "rainbow" item in the Accent Color setting should more reliably show a color picker to make it more obvious that it is a custom color setting ð
- Add a way to force dismiss the update banner in the settings in case it keeps showing up on every load of TweetDeck. You can find it under the "Support" section of the settings.
Commit: bb558263188955a304412bcbf4435824103a139d
Date: 2022-04-08
- Added a setting (opt-in) to hide pronouns on your own accounts
- Fixes around the custom accent color feature
- Fixes around the profile label feature
Commit: 0aff468697d2d3e7c4c029ef6fc4f5019f3731bc
Date: 2022-05-09
- Hopefully fix the issue some users were seeing where the extension doesn't show up in Safari
- Fixes the profile badge display in some cases
Commit: c58a9f5e6c66b3c3d9754a7a88f3108e84c663d0
Date: 2022-11-13
Important announcement
This release probably will be the very last one for the time being. I decided to put BTD in a "feature freeze" state and will only address critical bug fixes should they arise until the eventual rollout of the new TweetDeck that will break BTD entirely. Please read the following issue for more details
Note that this decision was taken before the Elon Musk takeover of Twitter, but this situation confirms my intention of not wanting much to do with TweetDeck until the new version releases, or it disappears/breaks completely. Thank you all for using and supporting the project, and thank you to the Tweeps who allowed it to stay alive and contributed/worked on TweetDeck. ð«¡
See also thread on Twitter about this release
If you want to stay tuned about my future side projects that may or may not include a 3rd party Twitter(+Mastodon?) web client:
Feature highlight
Add a setting to show a badge for accounts that are "Blue verified". This setting is opt-in. Who knows if this whole thing will still be up by the time this update reaches you? Oh well!

Thanks to:
- @luciascarlet for the nerd checkmark
- @JoshQuake for the clown checkmark
Other changes
- Add settings to highlight/mute tweets made in a Twitter Circle ( thanks @Vogeslu)
- Migrate the Chrome extension to Manifest V3. This shouldn't break or change anything, but Google will stop accepting Manifest V2 extensions soon, so this was needed. I'll be doing a similar update when Mozilla/Apple starts accepting Manifest V3 extensions.
- Made tooling optimizations to have smaller files so Mozilla's validation system wouldn't reject the extension because of its size.
- More fixes around content warnings detection.
- Fixes around the "show link preview" setting.
- Mark the extension as requiring Safari 15.4 at a minimum due to the switch to Event Pages.
Commit: ed15e084c55c34f239029bff72565e76b79c9b27
Date: 2023-02-06
Commit: e108d35a704fd3c3981b0994a33d5dfc451102d9
Date: 2023-02-06
Since the last release back in November of 2022 it is clear that Twitter doesn't give a shit about 3rd party developers and apps so I will not be spending any more time and energy developing on top of Twitter's platform.
Thank you for using and supporting Better TweetDeck over the years, it was a wild ride, I wish it didn't end this way but it is what it is. ð«¡
If you want to stay tuned about my future side projects that may or may not include a 3rd party Mastodon web client:
Commit: e108d35a704fd3c3981b0994a33d5dfc451102d9
Date: 2023-02-06
- Fixes the GIF search on Chrome
Since the last release back in November of 2022 it is clear that Twitter doesn't give a shit about 3rd party developers and apps so I will not be spending any more time and energy developing on top of Twitter's platform.
Thank you for using and supporting Better TweetDeck over the years, it was a wild ride, I wish it didn't end this way but it is what it is. ð«¡
If you want to stay tuned about my future side projects that may or may not include a 3rd party Twitter(+Mastodon?) web client:
Commit: 73dba3143056211110b3e1e3ff1552777bdbcd48
Date: 2023-05-19
I know I said the last update was the last one, but I felt like the changes Twitter made over the Verified status warranted at the very least that BTD displayed those badges properly to avoid confusion.
- This release shows Business and Government verified badges independently from the Blue badges. It also fixes a bug where those accounts would show up with the Blue badge despite not being actually subscribed to Blue(? I don't think? Twitter's API says they're "Blue verified" regardless so who knows ð€· )
- Adds a "Mute accounts subscribed to Twitter Blue" option, you can find it by going to the âïž icon -> Mute
Commit: 6520035be1a503de38049ba0457283a02bb8b275
Date: 2023-07-03
- Properly hide the "Try new TweetDeck Preview" button as of July 3rd 2023
- Ensure the rollback dialog when on New TweetDeck properly shows up as of July 3rd 2023